X plane 11 video rending options
X plane 11 video rending options

x plane 11 video rending options

Now I'm not asking for a step by step installation guide, but rather an explanation on what each of the scenery things does and whether I should use them or not, and also how I should use them. This would not be such a big issue otherwise but I have a pretty slow internet and I don't want to waste download time for needless experimentation. I know I can accomplish a lot through reshade and flywithlua and I can do that by myself but I need your help with knowing what to download and install in terms of scenery. In some pics I've seen here it has looked absolutely stunning. I just flew over london with stock scenery and it looked absolutely horrible. Since the X-plane 11 stock scenery simply is not doing it for me at the moment, especially since i like flying planes that have a relatively low service ceiling.

x plane 11 video rending options

Or is that the correct term? Mesh.? The world! Outside of plane! I want it look pretty! I want the road to look sensible and not just a stack of play pieces some kid threw together, the scenery overall to look nice etc. I want to accomplish this via getting nicer looking scenery. So my goal is to make X-plane 11 pretty since I finally have the hardware to pull it off (even though it's weird I'm only pulling 30fps with my GPU stressed at 30% and CPU stressed at 20% with no single core or thread stressed over 40%). I've been searching the internet about this for ages but all the info I can find seems to be for people who already know exactly how this stuff works and what all of the addons and meshes and sceneries and stuff do.

X plane 11 video rending options